Decided by the Press Council on appeal

1281/2022 - Glenveagh and the Irish Examiner

By: admin
Posted on: 23-Aug-2022
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The editor of the Irish Examiner appealed the decision of the Press Ombudsman to uphold in part that Principle 1 of the Code of Practice had been breached.   He appealed the decision to the Press Council of Ireland on the grounds that there had been an error in the Press Ombudsman’s application of Principle 1 of the Code.

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1232/2022 - Mr Declan Leydon and The Irish Times

By: admin
Posted on: 25-Jul-2022
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Mr Leydon appealed the decision of the Press Ombudsman to the Press Council of Ireland on the grounds (a) that the procedures followed in making the decision were not in accordance with the published procedures for submitting and considering complaints and (b) that there had been an error in the Press Ombudsman’s application of the Principles of the Code of Practice.

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893/2021 - Mr Tom Cooper and The Irish Times

By: Gabrielle Collins
Posted on: 10-Dec-2021
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Mr Cooper appealed the decision of the Press Ombudsman to the Press Council of Ireland on the grounds (a) that the Press Ombudsman had erred in his application of the Code of Practice and (b) that the procedures followed in making the decision were not in accordance with the published procedures for submitting and considering complaints.

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840/2021 - A Man and The Journal

By: Gabrielle Collins
Posted on: 12-Nov-2021
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The complainant appealed the decision of the Press Ombudsman to the Press Council of Ireland on the grounds (a) the procedures followed in making the decision were not in accordance with the published procedures for submitting and considering complaints and (b) that there had been an error in the application of the Code of Practice by the Press Ombudsman.

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913/2021 - Mr Ken Byrne and the Irish Examiner

By: Gabrielle Collins
Posted on: 08-Oct-2021
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Mr Byrne appealed the decision of the Press Ombudsman to the Press Council of Ireland on the grounds that significant new information was available that could not have been made available to the Press Ombudsman before he made his decision.

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777/2021 - Dr Christine Gaffney, Ms Rachel Moran, Professor Kathleen Stock and The Irish Times

By: Gabrielle Collins
Posted on: 08-Oct-2021
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The complainants appealed the decision of the Press Ombudsman to the Press Council of Ireland on the grounds that the Press Ombudsman had erred in his application of the Code of Practice. 

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875/2021 - A Man and the Irish Independent **

By: Gabrielle Collins
Posted on: 13-Sep-2021
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**The complainant originally requested anonymity in the drafting of the Press Ombudsman’s decision.  On completion of the consideration of the appeal by the editor the complainant consented to his name being associated with the decision.  The complainant was Mr Brian Lohan

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871/2021 Presentation College Carlow and The Nationalist

By: Gabrielle Collins
Posted on: 21-Jun-2021
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The editor of The Nationalist appealed the Press Ombudsman’s decision to the Press Council of Ireland on the grounds that the Press Ombudsman had erred in his application of Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy) and Principle 2 (Distinguishing Fact and Comment) of the Code of Practice.

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675/2021 Cork Cannabis Activist Network and The Irish Times

By: Gabrielle Collins
Posted on: 10-May-2021
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Cork Cannabis Activist Network appealed the Press Ombudsman’s decision to the Press Council of Ireland on the grounds that the Press Ombudsman had erred in his application of the Code of Practice.  In its appeal the Network highlighted evidence previously submitted as part of its complaint, and submitted further evidence to support its belief that the statements complained about were factually incorrect.

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674/2021 - Paul Murphy TD and The Irish Times

By: Gabrielle Collins
Posted on: 12-Mar-2021
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Deputy Murphy appealed the decision of the Press Ombudsman on the grounds that there had been an error in the Press Ombudsman’s application of the Code of Practice

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