Decided by the Press Council on appeal

Gantley and the Irish News of the World

Posted on: 01-Apr-2011
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Decision of the Press Council   The appeal from the Complainant was heard by the Press Council of Ireland at its meeting on 01 April 2011. The Council decided to uphold the decision of the Press Ombudsman. 01 April 2011  

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Kelly and the Sunday Independent

Posted on: 04-Mar-2011
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Decision of the Press Council

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A Family and the Evening Herald

Posted on: 04-Feb-2011
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Decision of the Press Council At its meeting on 4th February 2011, The Press Council gave careful consideration to the application to appeal the decision of the Press Ombudsman received from the complainant acting on behalf of the family of a deceased individual. The council decided to admit the appeal on the grounds that the fact that Press Ombudsman had been unable to make a decision due to insufficient evidence to uphold the complaint was an important matter which needed to be discussed in the Council. The Council had a comprehensive discussion. The Decision of the Press Ombudsman is upheld. 04 February 2011  

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A Family and the Irish Sun

Posted on: 04-Feb-2011
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Decision of the Press Council At its meeting on 4th February 2011, The Press Council gave careful consideration to the application to appeal the decision of the Press Ombudsman received from the complainant acting on behalf of the family of a deceased individual.

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A Family and the News of the World

Posted on: 04-Feb-2011
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Decision of the Press Council

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A Family and the Sunday World

Posted on: 04-Feb-2011
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Decision of the Press Council At its meeting on 4th February 2011, the Press Council gave careful consideration to the application to appeal the decision of the Ombudsman from the complainant acting on behalf of the family of a deceased individual. The Council decided to admit that section of the complaint dealing with Principle 5 (Privacy) of the Code of Practice. The Council had a comprehensive discussion of the newspaper article in question in relation to Principle 5 (Privacy). The Council concluded that the article did not breach Principle 5. The Decision of the Press Ombudsman is upheld. 04 February 2011  

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Gibson and the Irish Daily Mirror

Posted on: 04-Feb-2011
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Decision of the Press Council At its meeting on 4th February 2011 the Council gave careful consideration to the application to appeal from Mr Gibson but decided that the submission did not provide adequate grounds either in relation to new evidence or to any error in procedure or in the application of the principles of the code to warrant a full consideration of the appeal. The Decision of the Press Ombudsman is therefore upheld. 04 February 2011  

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Luke Gardiner Ltd and The Irish Times

Posted on: 10-Dec-2010
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Decision of the Press Council

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OLeidhin and the Sunday Independent

Posted on: 10-Dec-2010
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Decision of the Press Council At its meeting on 10th December 2010 the Council gave careful consideration to the application to appeal from Mr O’Leidhin but decided that the submission did not provide adequate grounds either in relation to new evidence or to any error in procedure or in the application of the principles of the code to warrant a full consideration of the appeal. The Decision of the Press Ombudsman is therefore upheld. 10 December 2010  

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Fahy and the Evening Herald

Posted on: 15-Oct-2010
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Decision of the Press Council At its meeting on 15th October 2010 the Council gave careful consideration to the application to appeal from Mr Fahy but decided that the submission did not provide adequate grounds either in relation to new evidence or to any error in procedure or in the application of the principles of the code to warrant a full consideration of the appeal. The Decision of the Press Ombudsman is therefore upheld.  

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