Tate and the Irish Independent

Wednesday, 30th April 2008
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Mr William Tate PC complained that a number of articles in the Irish Independent by Ian O’Doherty that criticised the actions and policies of Saudi Arabia and statements by Muslims in Britain and Ireland were in breach of Principle 8 (Incitement to Hatred) of the Code of Practice. The newspaper, in its response, argued that the writer is a satirical columnist with strong views, and that the publication of these views is protected by the preamble to the Code of Practice, which defends the right of a newspaper to publish what it considers to be news, without fear or favour, and the right to comment upon it.


Robust commentary is a necessary ingredient of all contemporary journalism, however distasteful it may be to some of its objects and their friends and supporters. The articles in question, while evidently designed to evoke strong political opposition to the policies, practices and views they criticised, did not cross the boundaries delineated in Principle 8 of the Code of Practice.

30 April 2008

Mr Tate appealed the decision to the Press Council of Ireland.

View the Decision of the Press Council of Ireland