Decided by the Press Ombudsman

Mr John Kelly and the Irish Independent

Posted on: 22-Feb-2013
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The Press Ombudsman decided not to uphold a complaint by Mr John Kelly that an article in the Irish Independent on 12 December 2012 entitled “CAB gets clearance to seize family homes of gangsters” was in breach of Principles 1 (Truth and Accuracy), 2 (Distinguishing Fact and Comment), 3 (Fairness and Honesty) , 4 (Respect for Rights), 5 (Privacy)  and  8 (Prejudice)  of the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines.

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The Wytchway Inn and the Sunday World

Posted on: 22-Feb-2013
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The Press Ombudsman has decided not to uphold a complaint by Mr Conor J Skehan and The Wytchway Inn Limited that a review of the restaurant in the Sunday World  on 7 October 2012 was in breach of Principle 4 (Respect for Rights) of the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines. No decision could be made about a complaint under Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy).

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Universal Peace Federation Ireland and the Irish Daily Mail

Posted on: 13-Feb-2013
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The Press Ombudsman has found that the Irish Daily Mail offered to take sufficient remedial action to resolve part of a complaint made by the Universal Peace Federation Ireland, under Principles 1 and 2 of the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines,  about an article published in the  newspaper on 12 September last.  Other parts of the complaint were not upheld.

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Mr Liam Fay and the Irish Sun

Posted on: 11-Jan-2013
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The Press Ombudsman has decided that the Irish Sun took sufficient remedial action to resolve a complaint made by Mr Liam Fay about a breach of Principle 5 (Privacy) of the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines.

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Senator Fidelma Healy Eames and the Irish Daily Mail

Posted on: 08-Jan-2013
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The Press Ombudsman has decided to uphold a complaint by Senator Fidelma Healy Eames under Principles 1 (Truth and Accuracy) and 2 (Distinguishing Fact and Comment) of the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines, about two articles published in the Irish Daily Mail on 20 and 21 August 2012.   

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Ms A Ni Fhloinn and Sunday Independent

Posted on: 07-Dec-2012
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The Press Ombudsman has decided to uphold a complaint by Ms Áine Ni Fhloinn that an article published in the Sunday Independent on 9 September 2012 was misleading and, in that respect, breached Principle  1 (Truth and Accuracy) of the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines.  He also decided that it breached Principle 5.3 (Privacy) of the Code because it did not take the feelings of the grieving family sufficiently into account.

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Mr Tony Walsh and The Irish Times

Posted on: 05-Dec-2012
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The Press Ombudsman has decided not to uphold a complaint by Mr Tony Walsh that an article about school textbooks published in The Irish Times on 27 September 2012 was in breach of   the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines.  Mr Walsh complained that the article breached Principle 2.3 of the Code because a current director of The Irish Times was a former director of the company about which the article was written.

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Mr Keith Fahy and Ms Jean Treacy and the Irish Daily Star

Posted on: 19-Nov-2012
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The Press Ombudsman has decided not to uphold a number of complaints made on behalf of Keith Fahy and Jean Treacy that an article published in the Irish Daily Star on 3 August 2012 breached the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines.

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Denise Glynn and The Sunday World

Posted on: 25-Oct-2012
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The Press Ombudsman has decided that the Sunday World made an offer of sufficient remedial action to resolve a complaint made by Ms Denise Glynn about a breach of Principle 9 (Children) of the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines.

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Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign and The Irish Times

Posted on: 24-Oct-2012
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The Press Ombudsman has decided that The Irish Times made an offer of sufficient remedial action  to resolve a large number of complaints made by the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) under Principles 1 (Truth and Accuracy) and Principle 2 (Distinguishing Fact and Comment) of the  Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines about nine articles published in May 2012.

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