Recent Decisions and News

16/2019 SIPTU and the Sunday Independent

By: admin
Posted on: 27-Feb-2019
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The Press Ombudsman has decided that the Sunday Independent offered to take action sufficient to resolve a complaint by SIPTU that Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy) and Principle 4 (Respect for Rights) of the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland had been breached.

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3983/2019 Headline and The Sunday Times

By: admin
Posted on: 18-Feb-2019
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The Press Council of Ireland has rejected an appeal from The Sunday Times against a decision made by the Press Ombudsman.

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By: admin
Posted on: 17-Jan-2019
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At a seminar on Reporting Mental Health last October organized by Headline (the national media programme for responsible reporting and representation of mental health and suicide) and Shine (campaigning for the rights of people with mental illness) an issue was raised about the widespread confusion between the use of the terms “Psychosis” and “Psychopathy”.

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4071/2018 A Woman and the Wexford People

By: admin
Posted on: 03-Jan-2019
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The Press Ombudsman has not upheld a complaint that the Wexford People breached Principle 9 (Children) of the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland.

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A Complainant and the Irish Independent

By: admin
Posted on: 14-Nov-2018
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The Press Ombudsman has not upheld a complaint that the Irish Independent breached Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy) of the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland.

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A Student and Pirhana

By: admin
Posted on: 14-Nov-2018
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The Press Ombudsman has not upheld a complaint made by a student that Piranha breached Principle 8 (Prejudice) of the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland.

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Mr Eddie Sheehy and Village

By: admin
Posted on: 25-Oct-2018
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The Press Council of Ireland has decided to uphold an appeal by Mr Eddie Sheehy that two statements complained about in an article published by Village in March 2018 were inaccurate and therefore a breach of Principle 1 of the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland.

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A Complainant and The Irish Times

By: admin
Posted on: 09-Oct-2018
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The Press Ombudsman has decided that The Irish Times offered to take action which was sufficient to resolve a complaint that Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy) and Principle 4 (Respect for Rights) of the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland had been breached in an opinion piece published by the newspaper.

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A Man and the Irish Examiner

By: admin
Posted on: 05-Oct-2018
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The Press Council has decided to uphold an appeal against a decision of the Press Ombudsman made by the Irish Examiner.

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“Minority Communities and the Press” Seminar

By: admin
Posted on: 03-Oct-2018
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To hear about the critical role the print media plays in advancing the participation and representation of minority communities in society register for the Press Council of Ireland and Office of the Press Ombudsman’s Seminar entitled “Minority Communities and the Press” to be held in Dublin on Tuesday, 23 October next.  Full details here 

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